Dev on the Tyne

Join the Geordie developers, Jonathan Steele and Jamie Barton, as they chat about web development, building companies and all things in between.

7. 3 Months Later

A long overdue episode covering PlayStation 5, iPhone 12, side projects and SARS-CoV-2.

6: Worzone

Warzone, side projects and building Gatsby source plugins.

5: Surviving Lockdown

Adapting to remote working during a global pandemic, postponing a First Means Everything event and DIY projects on hold.

4: New Mic, Who Dis?

New audio and video equipment, how we got into web development, side project updates and Coronavirus.

3: DIY on the Tyne

House renovations, project management, Bullet Journal, Jonathan has a new workspace, North East developer meetups and a quick analysis of commerce platforms.

1: Bert & Ernie

Recapping a busy Christmas, (somewhat) recent job changes and exciting projects.